

Hello, my name is Joshua. I currently live in Japan teaching English. I come from the Midwestern parts of the United States. I also have a degree in Psychology with a focus on cognitive function and approaches to learning. I would like to begin by saying that I am hoping to use 
www.books-online.us to help educate and inspire both English learners and English teachers. Just as I am studying Japanese, many of you are studying English or perhaps some other language and that is amazing! I have a lot helpful ideas and sources to help you find success and inspiration So visit often and check out my book recommendations to get the most of this site!




I once heard the phrase, “Language is not something you learn, it’s just something you get used to.” It was surprising to hear at first but I found that it must be true. We never really had to study to learn to speak our mother tongue, it just came out one day.


It’s important to understand this. Language is a part of us; it is felt and helps us express emotions like laughter or sadness. It also opens doors into our imagination, as in though a book or poem.


For these reasons I believe language should be taught with a more natural approach exploring a range of emotions and inspiring imagination. Studying for grammatical tests or such can only take a person so far in their language abilities.


To really improve, you need to adopt a wider perspective on how the language is used. As an English educator my goal is to help more people find hidden gems in their quest into language learning. Let’s quest for English together!

